
[Matis] Lakes' request

Yrkanis, on Mystia 26, 2618-4, ad Nair Gouvernor Ailan Mac'Kean

Your Excellency,

In the last Taliari assembly, your Excellency publicly declared her intention to send the Crown Karin, on the occasion of his forthcoming nuptials, a present to show the friendship that the people of the Lakes have for the people of the Forest. However, you then expressed, still in public, a concern that did not fail to surprise me in that it showed in contrast a regrettable residual mistrust of the Federation towards the Kingdom: would the Karan not refuse such a wedding gift with disdain?

Your Excellency will be pleased to learn that her concern was unfounded: solicited by me, at your request, His Majesty Stevano has just assured me that the Federation's present to the princely couple will be gratefully received by the entire Matis people and will be displayed in the Great Greenhouse of Yrkanis until its place in the Royal Palace is made available. In addition, as recently posted throughout Atys, all friends and allies of the Kingdom are invited to attend the wedding ceremony and to participate in the festivities that will follow.

That is why I join His Majesty in inviting you to come and present the gift to the newlyweds, in person, at the close of the ceremony in the Temple of Jena.

Seelagan, then, your Excellency!
Nilstilar Thorec
Ambassador b'Yem Lornair'Karan be Fédération be Naw Trykoth


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