
Patch 905 (2022-05-10)): Outposts, DeepL, Bosses' refactoring

The new boss system is activated in Primes Roots!

  • 54 Bosses are available in the 9 regions of Prime Roots;
  • these 54 Bosses are randomly distributed across the 9 regions each month, with 6 Bosses per region.
  • the list of the Bosses in each region is available as a rumor of the Scouts of the region.
  • after the death of a Boss, bones emitting a bluish glow appear at the spot where the Boss has fallen and remain visible in game for 48 hours.
  • these bones can be examined by the players, who can then to find out which Boss was killed and estimate the approximate time passed since its death;
  • change of the Surface regions is postponed until the Root Rewards system receives positive feedback from the players.

The app called "Guild Info" available on the WebIG homepage offers a new information page. As soon as a member has spoken to a scout in a region, it shows the bosses in that region. And as soon as a member finds and analyzes the bones of a deceased boss, the information is displayed in the app, indicating how long ago it was found.

While waiting for a patch, the display of the level of a Boss' guard is incorrect and does not correspond to their true level, which is that of the region they are in. This display bug will be fixed soon.


Ryzom Team Manager
(FR / EN / ES)

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