
Patch 905 (2022-05-10)): Outposts, DeepL, Bosses' refactoring

Patch 905 (2022-05-10): Outposts, DeepL, Bosses' refactoring

A client and server patch and a server restart are scheduled for May 10, 2022 to implement the changes and additions described below.

Outposts Update

  • Nexus Outposts are no longer subject to the 21-day guild members seniority restriction. This was a bug.
  • Neutral status is again possible on Outposts during FvF. It works as before, i.e. a neutral player in an Outpost conflict can be present in the combat zone but cannot participate. There is no longer a random choice of side upon entering the zone.
  • Neutrals in an Outpost conflict may not trade with a player involved in the conflict. The same is true for two players involved in the same conflict but not on the same side.
  • Access to the Guild Hall from an Outpost is no longer possible for a player involved in the conflict on that Outpost.
  • The Outposts now produce both materials and flowers at regular intervals, rather than either one or the other randomly.
  • A bug affecting the production of the 150 and 200 Outposts has been fixed.


  • Automatic translation, by DeepL, has been activated on Team, League, Faction and Nation channels.
  • Translations in the Guild channel are now handled like those in the Universe channel. This means they appear on chat.ryzom.com in five separate language channels. (In a few days)

Experience and Death Penalty

  • When gaining a skill level, the excess experience is no longer lost upon reaching next level. Thus, in the very first levels on Silan, it will therefore now possible to gain several consecutive levels at once.
  • When gaining a level, the visual effect will now be visible to everyone and not just the player who progressed.
  • The refund of the death penalty has been altered as follows:
    • when using a level 250 (foraging skill for example), 100% of the experience the player gains will be used to pay back the death penalty;
    • when using a level below 250, 50% of the experience will be used to pay off the death penalty, while the other 50% will be used to progress in the active skill;
    • the death penalty refund will now be based on the maximum level and not on the level you are leveling up, which makes it easier to refund your death penalty with any branch.

Bosses' refactoring (In a few days)

We are implementing the following changes to the Bosses' system in Prime Roots:

  • 54 Bosses are available in the 9 regions of Prime Roots;
  • these 54 Bosses are randomly distributed across the 9 regions each month, with 6 Bosses per region.
  • the list of the Bosses in each region is available as a rumor of the Scouts of the region.
  • after the death of a Boss, bones emitting a bluish glow appear at the spot where the Boss has fallen and remain visible in game for 48 hours.
  • these bones can be examined by the players, who can then to find out which Boss was killed and estimate the approximate time passed since its death;
  • change of the Surface regions is postponed until the Root Rewards system receives positive feedback from the players.

The Ryzom Team remains at your disposal for any additional information and best wishes to you!

Ryzom Team


Ryzom Team Manager
(FR / EN / ES)

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