
Ryzom Forge Public Meetings agendas & reports

Ryzom Forge meeting report – 02 May 2022

Well, when you have to start !
I give again here the topic on the forum : &post206409=en#1.
I will quickly summarize.
So last Monday there was a rotation of the OP materials and 50% of the OP were taken by tribes.
So we don't know what materials the OP of the tribes produce, but the guilds that still have an OP could see their new material and the new Q, which can only be 150 200 or 250.
At the same time, the betting system to obtain the right to attack in preview one of the OP of the tribes has been implemented.
Do you have any questions ?

Q : One question : at what point must the membership and level requirement be met ?

A : At the time of bidding.
This simplifies the process enormously.

Q : We have 14 OP taken back by NPCs.
I thought there are 24 OP in total ? That would be more than 50%.
Oh ! There are 28 OP actually. My mistake !

A : Let's forget it !
There are in fact 50% of the OP in zone 50, 50% in zone 100, etc ...
There are also the same qualities produced in each area.
Thus in zone 50, the OP produce 2xQ150, 1xQ200 and 1xQ250.
Same in zone 100 and 150.
No questions ? Any comments, opinions ?
Or does everyone want to see what it will be like ?

Q : Does the loss of the outposts also depend on the region ?

A : No, it's totally random.
Well ...

Q : Is 1/4 of the 50% in the country Tryker for example ?

A : No.
It is 50% of the OP in zone 50.
But then they can all be Tryker.
No chance, we'll have to send the giant robot guards next time !
It is possible to consult the OP taken by the tribes at the banner in the cities.
It is located next to the NPC outposts.

Q : It is possible for Q250 OP to make Q150 OP materials at a fast pace ?
Wouldn't be a waste ? I'm not sure if Q150 greslin pickaxes would be very useful !

A : An OP 250 always produces at the same rate, whether it is a Q150 or Q250.

Q : Right.
Wouldn't it make more sense to have Q250 OP make only Q250 OP materials ?

A : But indeed, nothing prevents if you find it more useful that the production is different depending on the Q. You'll have to suggest it on the forum.
The 250 OP have already produced lower Q materials.
So it's still something that already existed, we just added the random aspect so that the value of an OP varies from one cycle to another.

Q : Prior to OP Refactoring, no Q250 OP made lower than Q250 OP materials.

A : I can assure you that it was the case !
<ATOM Name=''quality_200'' Value=''0.06''/>
<ATOM Name=''quality_150'' Value=''0.02''/>
<ATOM Name=''quality_250'' Value=''0.92''/>
Here is what an OP 250 produced.
0.06% of Q200.
92% of Q250.
0.02% of Q150.
It is indeed very little, but it was still possible. That said, we didn't try to make the system as close as possible to the old one either.
We really think that the point of the OP wars is to fight to obtain an interesting outpost.
Have action and challenge.
If no other questions, I guess they will come later, we can move on !
Boss Refactoring.
We have taken into account a large number of feedbacks on the first version in the PR.
And we proposed to the working group a modification.
It will separate the PR system from the surface system.
On the surface (excluding Nexus) the system will be the same as the one on PR currently.
That is to say, only bosses with a creature in the region will appear.
Thus, as there are gubanis in the Void, there will be a gubani boss.
The frequency will be on average once a day.
As far as Rewards are concerned, here are the changes we will make.
All the bosses of Atys (with the exception of Kizarak) will appear in the 9 regions of PR.
It will be every 1st of the month randomly distributed among the 9 regions, which will give about 6 to 7 bosses per region.
The list of bosses available in each region will be available as a rumor from the scouts (NPCs) in the region.
This list will be updated every month.
The bosses of each region will appear with exactly the same frequency.
It's like putting the 6-7 bosses in a bag, and pulling them out randomly one after the other.
Then once they have all appeared, we put them back in the bag and start again.
So if you know which bosses are dead, you can eliminate them from the list and know which ones will arrive (but not in which order).
And not to miss any of this valuable information, at the death of the boss a pile of material and bones will appear at the place of his death.
This pile can be analyzed by anyone in order to know which boss died and approximately when.
Writing down and sharing this information will make it easier to target areas to check if you are looking for a particular boss material.

Q : So, if I understood correctly : on the surface, about one boss per day and per region. In the PR, 6 to 7 bosses per month and per region ?

Q : Question : How often does a boss appear in the PR / What is the cooldown within a month in a single region from one boss to the next ?

A : It's the same thing, about 1 per day.
So 30 per month per region.

Q : That's significantly more than before, isn't it ?

A : It's the same thing !
The pile with the bones will remain 24 hours.

Q : Would 48h be possible ?

A : I'll give you that !
We often use a temporary value because it is difficult to talk with letters.
So the 24 hours were for information purposes, 48 hours could be a correct value too.
Let's say between 24 and 48 hours, it will be defined !
Are there any questions ?

Q : Will some bosses become unavailable for a month with this system ?
(From the fact that they would not be selected in any region for example).

A : No, it's just the opposite.
All bosses of the game will be available.
Madakoo, for example.
So many people miss him.
Well, he will be in a region in June.
Sometimes a 150 area, sometimes 200 and yeahhhh sometimes in 250 area.

Q : Do we know the number of materials produced by an OP per day/month according to its quality ?

A : I am in the process of retrieving information, to determine if the rate is correct or not. I'll take any information on this !

Q : Can a boss that spawns in one area be found at the same time in another area ? (Will a Madakoo 170 block a Madakoo 270 for example ?).

A : Madakoo will only be able to appear in one region during the month.
If he is assigned to a region 150, he will only appear in region 150.
But, there is obviously a special case.
If Madakoo appears last days of June in a region, he can appear the following month in another region at the very beginning of the month.
Because we only change the lists, we do not make disappear bosses that are already in game.

Q : If I understand correctly, he will only be 270 once every 3 months?

A : PR levels : 250-250-250-200-150-200-150-200 ----> 4/9 chance for level 250.

Q : When you say 6-7 bosses per region ... Do you mean per land ? Or per region (like Dryon, thesos, etc ...) ?

A : We only talk about the 9 regions of PR.

For the surface regions, it's the current system used in PR.
There is no list, but only the creatures that exist in the area that give a boss.
These are 2 different systems.
In PR : 6-7 bosses in the 9 regions.
Out of PR : Bosses depend on the creatures in the area.

Q : And on the surface, there can be 2 similar bosses in different places though ?

A : Yes, each region is independent.
So there are many Kipee bosses !
Kipees are everywhere !

Any other questions ?
Let's move on !
Next topic : Offer a subscription.
Last month I published a poll about "be able to gift a subscription to a friend": &post206156=en#1
As nearly all the players who answered voted for it, we'll add it !
So you'll have soon the ability to offer a subscription to another player.
Next topic ?
Activate DeepL in more ingame channels.
We are testing the extend of DeepL to new channels : Leagues, Teams and Factions (Kara, Kami, Marauder, Ranger, Matis, Fyros, Tryker, Zoraï).
We hope you'll enjoy the feature !
Last topic ?
We are looking for volunteers for different teams : event, support, translation, testing.
We are looking for volunteers who want to help write event scripts, or who want to become actors by playing a character in the events we play.
The training is assured, and the entry in the acting is done very gradually to leave time to the recruit to take its marks.
Join us to benefit from this unique experience !
To apply, contact Tamarea exclusively at
We are also looking for volunteers to join the support team to help players in various ways :
- Computer and technical assistance, bug handling, role of tester on the test server, ensuring compliance with the game rules.
To learn more, please see this post : #2.
To apply, contact Tamarea exclusively at
We are looking for volunteers to translate and proofread in-game texts and official announcements in the languages of the game, as well as to proofread texts in these five languages.
Even if you don't have a lot of time to offer, your help is welcome !
To apply, contact Tamarea exclusively at
Our Devs prepare regular patches, and it is thanks to the crucial role of testers that they can arrive on Atys with very few bugs.
That's why we're looking for volunteers who want to give some of their time to help with bugs and test new features under development.
You will be able to help according to your availability and choose freely the tests you want to participate in.
If you have any questions about recruitment, you can also contact me (Tamarea) on chat.ryzom, I'll be happy to answer them !


Jadeyn | Senior Game Master | Polyglot/Multilingual
Ryzom Support Team
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