The reward could be simply, as you said, to be simply allowed to enter you flat or hall again. 0:-)
Yeah I personally wouldn't need any reward. Accessing the city again (even if I don't have apartment or guild hall there) or repairing visible damage would be enough reward for me.

Another thing that occurred to me is that you maybe could make cities generally attackable by introducing some kind of stress points into some of the structures of a city. These stress points would be attackable like camp fires are and once a stress point runs out of HP the structure or part of it collapses. This would enable Marauders to have some more fun when attacking cities. Of course these stress points would have high HP and would be guarded by NPCs.
But probably a hugely complicated idea to realise, practicaly...
Yeah probably :( ... I would guess to have a triggerable collapse animation alone would take some effort to implement.

But we can dream :) ...


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