« kün geyum » Récit du voyage sur la route d’Oflovak jusqu’à Coriolis

Azazor's logbook
Dua, Fallenor 14, 4th AC 2617

For several weeks, we have been trying to follow as best we can the beacons of the Oflovak Road. I tried to count to see if they were about equally spaced. Wasted effort, their distribution is completely anarchic. Sometimes, we spend a whole day walking following a direction, without being sure to be on the right way. We doubt, we look at the day star to be reassured: always in the east. We follow what we believe to be a track. But it is surely not one. An illusion, we say to ourselves. We go to bed in the evening telling ourselves that we went the wrong way. And then the next day, bang, a beacon, we breathe again. Other times, we cross a beacon every hour. Then we move forward confidently, sure to go in the right direction. But most of the time, we cross only two or three markers per day. And still, you should see the state of these. As much at the beginning of the road, they had an aspect more or less correct, as much, since we entered what seems to be the famous Maze, they are only old pieces of wood covered with moss and in so advanced a state of decomposition that it is difficult to locate them in the vegetation.

Let us speak about the vegetation. An alternation of forests and jungles with between the two biotopes, a transition say… abrupt. You have to climb, that's it. And when I say climb, it's not an idle word. I was expecting a slope, like the one to reach the Hidden Source from the Matis forest. But no, this is true mountaineering. I think it's some kind of big bushy roots that separate the two biotopes, not any sheer cliff. You can hold on to these gigantic steps to climb. Sometimes there are even beacons on the wall that show you the direction. It is a horror to climb, carrying your bag, pushing the mektoubs from behind so that they don't slide, while holding on to the clumps of vegetation growing on the root with one hand. If Eeri hadn't been there, I would have cried. Yes, I'm writing this down: this is the most physical thing I've ever done. Even training with the Fyros Legions was easier.

Once at the top, we realize that we changed biotope. We look for the following beacon and here we go again. After several days of uninterrupted walk in the forest, another giant root, but to be climbed down this time. And we alternate so again and again. It is simple, that goes up, it is the forest; that goes down, we know then that we are going to pass to ragus and other najabs of the jungle. And the whole without dying and without getting lost in this endless immensity. On the map, it is indicated "Dangerous zone". I don't dare to imagine what it will be like in the Sea of Wood or the Scattered Desert.

The worst part for now is the forest. The Heretic's Hovel is a pleasure trail next to it. At every crossing, we have to spend a while looking for the beacon that will show us the right direction. Oh, when you're not in a hurry, it's okay. But when you have a herd of jugulas which sticks to your buttocks, it is not so funny. Nevertheless, we try to avoid these creatures, but we have to believe that they love to hide behind a tree or a root, to catch you by surprise. Then we advance at the step, slowly. We sniff to feel if there is not a smell of jugula in the air. Or of torbak. But those are less vicious.

And then… there is the jungle and its najabs, the jungle and its ragus which run after you to make you their next meal. By cons, we did not meet any ocyx. I'd say too much the better. I don't want to know what an ocyx fire burn would do in a world where, I understand, kamic magic is no longer there to repair our wounds. We've managed so far to avoid the blows, so impossible to check. And scarifying myself on purpose to check… we'll see that later. Well, there was that swipe of jugula claw on my armor the day before yesterday. But nothing that touched the flesh. As for the ocyx fire, on the other hand, I know by experience that it will go through the armor, however Fyros it is. No kitins either, none in the forest nor in the jungle, and none of the gibbais seen from time to time in the distance saw fit to pay us a courtesy visit. Always concerning the jungle, at some time we entered a kind of tunnel. I figured we were going to move into a Prime Roots type biotope, but not at all. It was still the jungle. Maybe we weren't deep enough to have any environmental change. I don't know, I have so hard a time that I'm unable to think about what I see at the moment. So I note and we will see later, with a clear head. If we arrive at Fort Beacon one day I mean…

Oh yes, and the best thing: today we already lost one of our two mektoubs. Climbing is already not practical for us homins, but for fully loaded mektoubs, it's just not possible. This damn mektoub has slid down one of these huge roots and has broken his head below. And of course, most of the potions I had brought with me were broken in the accident. Fortunately, I keep the varinx leather pieces in my bag. Eeri laughs at me and my "priorities". But keeping track is the most important thing. When she saw the burst toub, she laughed and then simply said: "''We'll have to tie up with the remaining toub next time.''" I don't know how she keeps her ability to laugh and then get serious the next second. Even when I took that swipe of jugula claw, she found a way to laugh and make fun of me. There are some Fyros who are made of a different wood… Or maybe it's the beginning of the madness.

Well, right now, she's cooking the mektoub's paw that she's been carrying around all day, the paw of the one who burst while falling during this day. Oh, she really wanted her mektub's paw. "''One mustn't waste!''" she said, looking at me with her crazy eyes. I didn't dare contradict her.

Eeri, please don't crack. At least wait until we're out of this damn maze!


fyros pure sève
akash i orak, talen i rechten!
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