RyGReg and other tools migration

I did not have much time to continue. The guilds counter has some mysterious issue, might be fixed but I have set it off before I can test it.

The fame color issue is a bug for sure, but I need to check why and it will be fixed in the development only.

Beldin, silly question, is the character API key valid? However, if the update works for one character and not for another one, it might be probably another mysterious error that needs to be checked.

Also, I see a character with unknown guild rank in RyGReg, no idea why.

Hm, it is a lot of issues that keep appearing. It might be better to simply setup the development versions and enable them. The stable is buggy anyway and it looks like a waste of time to fix it. Many internal parts were improved in the development and it is like 50% faster. I just don't remember what all was broken/unfinished there :/ (I know the letter app 0.3 is broken)
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Last visit Sunday, 8 September 00:16:13 UTC

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