RyGReg and other tools migration

Hallo homins

All stable releases are back online, hosted on domain. However, my permissions on the current hosting server are much more limited and I do not have root access there. I hope all works fine but I must warn you that there might be some issues.

Please understand that all tools are running in a "testing mode", I kindly ask you to report all error you might experience. Please note that I have no control over what is logged on the server (ie the server logs you aside of my apps), however it suppose to follow standard GDPR. None of development versions are working yet, if you were using any of them (like My Guild) you need to wait me to set them up. No HTTPS support yet, this will be resolved later and has low priority as there was none before anyway. All files in the temp directory were removed including some guild images, thus some guild profiles might need to update them (mostly those added by me for testing purposes).

Following applications are back online:
If the domain is not accessible for you at this moment, please wait 24 hours. You might need to update your API keys on first run.
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Last visit Monday, 16 September 19:07:20 UTC

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