« kün geyum » Récit du voyage sur la route d’Oflovak jusqu’à Coriolis

Eeri's logbook
Note written before departure

Quinteth, Mystia 11, 3rd AC 2617

I think that's it, I'm ready. I hope Azazor is too.
I finally got the Marauder crystal back. Then I wore it down a bit, dropping it a few times, then rubbing it vigorously on the blade of a retch. It will look like it has lived. I loaded it to the brim, then tried their teleportation system. I must admit that it is quite practical, ingenious. The only bad side is that you have to be a Marauder to use it...
This crystal and a few words of marund will do the trick. Anyway, neither Azazor nor I will be able to hide that we come from the New Lands. It's this, or nothing.

I finally wrote a letter about Canillia, for Mazé'Yum. He will do what he would like with the information. After all he has done for me to help me prepare this journey, I would prefer to be able to talk to him about it face to face, but I'm afraid I won't have time to see him. It would have been awkward to bring up this topic of conversation in front of Azazor and those who will be present during our little departure ceremony.

I also wrote some letters. Goodbye letters no, more like letters of friendship and encouragement. Sometimes it's important to write and let the homins who are dear to us know why they are so. And sometimes things are easier in writing, even with the words of a Fyrossa as poorly poetic as I am.


My bag is ready, too. I won't be taking this Marauder armor after all. It's too heavy, and taking it would mean giving up on a lot of other stuff. Instead, I made myself a black kostomyx, of the best quality, as light and resistant as possible. I think I did pretty well, at least I won't have learned this craft for naught. You have to travel light, as light as possible, and above all you have to have room for enough weapons, ambers and other materials, and various products. No or few food, only things that we will need in case of a hard time. We will have to hunt from day to day, as soon as the opportunity will present.

Tomorrow we leave for Silan, and we will take our first steps into the unknown. I was told that as a child, I had arrived by this same road, brought by a group of Rangers. Lost child, or rather, foundling. How old was I? 5 or 6? I don't remember. Maybe some memories will resurface, some sensations of déjà-vu.

So these are my last words in this diary, which I will not take with me. When I return, it will be the first part of our travel memoirs. I'll rewrite all this, because well, it's really lacking in style.


"Quand on a le nez trop près de la bouteille, on ne voit plus le bar"
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