[Event for all] Anlor Winn 2021 (October 29 - November 8)

The Story of Fyrosfreddy, told by Khandoma

While sitting in the Fairhaven Bar one evening, I heard a tale that explained the status of the now abandoned Corrie Finley Farm located in The Fount.
The storyteller / traveller told a tale of meeting the ghost of Corrie Finley who, with her husband Fyrosfreddy, operated the family farm in Fount for 3 decades.
The work was hard but the hardest part for Fyrosfreddy was dealing with this wife Corrie. She was a mean taskmaster and nothing he ever did was good enough.
One day when he stopped for lunch, apparently he was taking too long of a break and she came out to scold him.
As she launched into her tirade, she happened to be standing behind Freddy's mektoub who loved Freddy very much but was not too fond of his wife. As she lifted her walking stick to whack him one to get him moving, the mektoub kicked her in the head with his hind legs and killed her.

When the funeral services were held, the man telling the tale at the bar said Corrie's ghost had been present when the hominas went up to express their sentiments to Freddy, and the ghost observed that he responded only by nodding his head up and down ...
Corrie's ghost also observed that when the homins came up to speak to him, he unerringly responded by turning his head left and right, back and forth.
However, Corrie was unable to hear what questions they had asked Freddy to which he had responded with the nodding and head shaking.

The ghost of Corrie Finley said that she could not rest without knowing what her husband Freddy had said and that the ghost would haunt the traveller until he found it out for her.
The traveller / story teller searched for 5 long years and each year during Anlor Winn, Corrie would return and make his life miserable.
His weapons lost their sharpness, his packers and mount got ill, harvesting weather always prevented him from getting what he needed.

Then one day, he finally met a homina named Khandoma who attended the services.
She told him that she had overheard the homina's askings to Freddy : they had wanted to know if he would continue on at the farm and continue to supply them with all the quality farm produce that Corrie had brought to market over the years, to which Freddy had nodded up and down telling them yes.

Then the ghost anxiously asked: “And what was it that the homin asked Freddy when he responded by turning his head left and right ?”
The traveller responded: I was told that the men “wanted to know if the mektoub was for sale, and if so, would he take less than 10 million dappers ?”

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