« kün geyum » Récit du voyage sur la route d’Oflovak jusqu’à Coriolis

Eeri's logbook
Holeth, Medis 18, 3rd AC 2617

What a day. Or days, rather. I woke up after apparently several nights of fever, I lost track of time. Three days, four days? When I found the strength, I mechanically tore a pact to Fairhaven, as if I had to report to the Drakani. When I got there, I emptied a big byrh at the counter, I was thirsty. Then I realized that Kyriann and Eolinius were there, with that windbag of a merchant. Kyriann had a hard time recognizing me, because of my hair. That's when I became aware of the present situation. As the conversation went on, I came to my senses, and suddenly felt in incredible, if a little confused, shape, an energy to tear the horn off a bodoc with a swipe of a toe.
Word will probably spread very quickly that before returning to Thesos, I had a very close call with a murderous impulse. No one would have cried to see this Feinigan a dagger planted in lower abdomen. Come on, let's be positive, if not me, someone else will do it, and I hope by offering as much gratuitous a suffering as I had foreseen doing. Was it during or after… in anycase the memory came back to me. The baths. That thorn, on the living dagger. I don't think Kyriann, or Feinigan, realized anything when I took off my glove, to check if that mark was a bad dream. The effort I had to make to contain my reaction probably created this impulse, as if Feinigan had to pay for the shenanigans of that damned Matissa.
Fortunately, or unfortunately, the dagger strike didn't go off.

That'll teach me, once again. You're such a suckling yuba, Eeri. You need to know your enemies even more than you already do. I should have known what precautions to take when grabbing a live dagger from those damned orskos. She calls herself a scientist... I wish her a terrible end, may her poisons get the better of her.


Now that I have taken the time to analyze the different stages of my reaction to the substance she injected me with, I can deduce two things: it is not the poison she prepared for me, if only I can trust the description she gave me.
It must be a drug similar to the one used by the Marauders. Probably not pure black sap. I have already observed a long time ago, with the Legionaries, the addiction phenomena following the first injection of this latter, and its side effects which can last several weeks or cause death. My symptoms were much milder.
Thinking back to the black sap, it occurred to me that Vao had left Zora a few months earlier, and that he had been seen near Yrkanis. The link with Canillia seems obvious, though perhaps too easy, or too direct. I must warn Mazé'Yum, he may know something about that. If he doesn't work with her, any information I can give him will be to the disadvantage of the Matissa.

As for this mark, in the palm of my hand... I now question all her words. The reason was neither to make me pass some rite or give me the opportunity to recognize, or be recognized as one of them, trained with these "ienne" or "uenne", as she explained to me. Agents of the realm, cleaners. Scum. Fleur would apparently be in cahoots? I don't remember everything she told me. I have to warn the Drakani. Or maybe it's her plan to incriminate someone else, again, in order to go unnoticed?

Now she could take advantage of that mark, I don't know how. To incriminate me in any wrongdoing. She wants me to return from the Old Lands, indeed. My reasons for leaving are even more urgent, I am trapped.
But I will be there, back, in several years.
I will be her death, her suffering.


Note to self: poison to test on a pike, on kincher or kirosta, and on any other non-kitin creature.
Second note: make a copy of this journal entry, more factual, and leave it in my apartment... And another for the Drakani.


I was almost about to forget. Before I met Canillia, before she drugged me, I had another meeting with Mazé'Yum.
He gave me two books, instructions, a lot of information, and enough to make me respect the Marauder agent, to enter the camp of the Hidden Source. The time is short, the hour has come.
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