Dear players, we invite all players who participated in the event to send their feelings about the suitors to Karan Stevano through the event team. Namely : by email to support@ryzom.com with EVENT TEAM in the subject or by DM on Rocket Chat to Margote, Pavor or Tamarea.
We will translate these missives and publish them all together, so as not to influence the judgment of other players.
All answers are welcome, even if they are written in a less formal or even OOC way.
We expect your answers by March 6th 2022 and thank you for your involvement.
The event team
Dear players, we invite all players who participated in the event to send their feelings about the suitors to Karan Stevano through the event team. Namely : by email to support@ryzom.com with EVENT TEAM in the subject or by DM on Rocket Chat to Margote, Pavor or Tamarea.
We will translate these missives and publish them all together, so as not to influence the judgment of other players.
All answers are welcome, even if they are written in a less formal or even OOC way.
We expect your answers by March 6th 2022 and thank you for your involvement.
The event team