RyGReg and other tools migration

Hallo homins

I have discovered that the virtual server where all my tools were placed is down. They shut down the whole hypervisor without any warning. This means all my apps are currently unavailable. I am sorry for that.

I need to download server data and dump the database and move everything somewhere else (and fix the issue with API keys + probably some other issues related to restrictions in latest PHP versions) but unfortunately I do not have any free time so it might take a while. I hope to get all data this week and setup a hosting. Then it will depend on how much additional work will it require.

It also means that it will no longer be placed in an environment I can fully control so I will publish some updated terms and conditions as I will be unable to disallow logging outside my apps on server basis.
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Last visit Monday, 16 September 19:16:44 UTC

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