
Anlor Winn?

I'm pretty sure that last year we had wandering pumpkins and tokens. I managed to win a lot of Anlor Winn special items (first year I collected them). It was also the first year I did the puzzle quest.

Since the developers make items "only available at the wheel", then tokens are a needed item.

I've chased pumpkins for the last three years that I've played and this year suddenly they're gone. And no explanation or reason given.

The pumpkins (for me) have always been the most obvious factor of Anlor Winn. The holiday just isn't the same without them. The puzzle quest by it's very nature is designed for high level players since so many of them appear in high level and PvP zones.

Another thing I've noticed, compared to last year Atys appears almost empty of players. Maybe it's time for the admins to start rethinking their game politics.

For me, Anlor Winn is now a comletely spoiled and useless holiday. It makes me feel like resubbing was a complete waste of money.


Yaandor | Cult of Dgambi | He who walks alone
Atys is a stern and determined teacher; willing to repeat the same lesson as often as necessary.
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Last visit Sunday, 16 February 11:57:48 UTC

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