[Rangers] Turquoise seed (2021/10/10)

[Rangers] Turquoise seed (2021/10/10)

Melga Folgore looked at the young homin in his turquoise uniform. Everything about him breathed vitality, like a turquoise seed about to open and send its shoot into the light.
He was looking forward to introduce him to those he would lead to a great destiny.
Rangers, Ranger Aspirants, Friends of Rangers,

I invite you to an exceptional Ranger Assembly at the Ranger Circle in Almati Wood on 20h - Quarta, Germinally 28, 3rd AC 2615 to introduce to you the one who will be our guide on this new trail that opens before us.
Honor him with your presence and show him the strength of the Rangers!

Melga Folgore

* [OOC]On Sunday, 10 October 2021 19:00:00 UTC (3 years ago).[/OOC]
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