
Food for Thought - Old Man Ryzom

I will start on the front-end with an apology for sounding like the “get off my lawn, old man” and this will be the only mention for doing so. About 5wks ago I had returned to the Rootball after a 16-month hiatus, and what immediately caught my attention is the new breed of toons. Understanding that is “just a game” there seems to way too many toons taking the notion or idea of “role-play” to the extreme. Now, I’m a relic, someone from the past, so I’m rather attached to the old customs. Never understood nor liked the new ones, and this new breed of toons just does not understand that Ryzom is truly a relaxing environment made up of 40-somethings and above (sorry to the 30-somethings though) who come to chat, maybe train and nowadays, use the wheel far more than in the beginning when it was first introduced. There was a college-age toon who had spent 10’s of millions of dappers on the wheel (I wonder what had ever become of Virg) – and even though his Chronological age is (was) very young for Ryzom, he understood how the environment operated. Remember; it is not the speed with which something is learned but that it is learned at all that counts.

Ryzom is about making friends in a game that become life-long friends out of the game (Feno and I to use an example) and I promise that if the new breeds do not understand this concept, that they will either burn-out, be phased-out, or be ignored and relegated to their own pitiful guild. Here is a thought; you will earn the respect of all if you begin by earning the respect of yourself. Don't expect to encourage good deeds in people conscious of your own misdeeds - because you have chosen not to respect yourself, you have made your happiness subject to the opinions others have of you. I understand my flaws but I have been around for 13+years, have earned the respect of a lot of toons because I understand that this is just a “game” – that the real world is filled with a White, Red, Black, and Pale horse and that the Rootball is one of our mental sanctuary’s (and maybe the only place for some).

So, I will end this with another thought; What is homin? His life a point in time, his substance a watery fluxion, his perceptions dim, his flesh food for worms, his soul a vortex, his destiny inscrutable, his fame doubtful. In sum, the things of the flesh are a river, the things of the soul all dream and smoke; life is war and a posting abroad; posthumous fame ends in oblivion.

Thank you,


“Life is simple, unpredictable, and beautiful but always remember that even though something ends, something new begins, so take a deep breath and move on.” - Zatarga
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