[Zoraï] Sap is sacred (2021/05/23 & 2021/05/25)

Creator of the event: Event-team.
Type of event: Investigation, PvE and international politics.
Appropriate levels: All. The lower levels may need to join a team.

Date of the event: Sunday, 23 May 2021 19:00:00 UTC (4 years ago).
Expected duration: About two hours.
Meeting place: Kami altar in Fleeting Garden.

Homins concerned: Zorai Initiates and Awakened, ambassadors, friends of the Theocracy.
Synopsis: The Sacred Sap tribe has been robbed. The Sage Sap comes to help them and assures them of the constant support of the Theocracy in their sacred mission.
To learn more: IC announcement

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Last visit Monday, 17 February 09:12:06 UTC

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