Allow a single secondary character as a Bot


Coming back after few years of time, glad to see this enchantong game is still alive.

On the other hand, the low amount of active players somehow harm its strong cooperation mechanics.

May it be possible to construct a "sure minimal team build" mechanic for times when no one is around ?

Like, something using its own alt characters, using their stats, limiting their actions to simple orders maybe with small penaltie (time penalties to actions ? No Xp to bots, etc) so social cooperation shall still be better ?

One could limit these characters inclusion to 2-teams or 3-teams, expelling automatically such bots if other players join the team.

Otherwise, it seems with this low amount of players really hard to raise some mechanics of the game, like debilitating magic ?
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Last visit Friday, 7 June 14:37:07 UTC

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