[Rangers] Funeral ceremony of Orphie Dradius (2021/04/18)

“I met Orphie Dradius shortly after the great barkquake of the Nexus, in 2609. It was after Erin Mac'Cartlann had discovered an old map in her archives that led us to the Tunnel of Woe.

“ She came to the Ranger meeting after the expedition, and I was impressed by this homin who, despite her age, retained a particularly energetic yet benevolent appearance.

“ I could hardly exchange a few words with her, but they were enough to make me understand how she had been able to participate in the foundation and develop, with her companions of course, a community as important as that of the Rangers.”

(Dorothée se tourne vers Orphie)

“ I wish I had known you better, Orphie, but more than ever, I will follow the precepts you fought so hard for.

“In the memory of Oflovak Rydon; Woren Siloy Ranger!”

“I would like now to bring you the words that Kiwa’Lie, our leader, my ‘Mom’, would have liked to say to you herself.
“She is unfortunately retained by a particularly arduous quest that requires her full attention and our support.”

(She takes a deep breath)
“ I quote ” :

Orphie was my mentor, she was the person I admired most on the bark, she looked after the hominity, she was my reference, my guide.

Yes, Orphie gave me a taste for the Ranger faction, thanks to her we had signed the TENANT peace treaty in Fairhaven before the second swarm. I was very proud to be her emissary and to give her the treaty that Mabreka, Dexton, Yrkanis, and Denen Toen signed on behalf of all the nations. Thanks to her the peoples of Atys were at peace, even if only for a short time.

It is, thanks to her, because of her that I, I mean that Djiper, Zo'ro Argh, and I became Rangers in our turn, when we went back from the second exodus, by founding a totally Ranger, hominist and pacifist guild. And we gave it the name of this circle that sadly brings us together today.

Her departure breaks my heart.


Rest in peace Orphie!

— Kiwa'Lie

(Dorothy throws a shooki flavored cookie and a termite on the pyre)

“Your ultimate quest will not be in vain, I'ts a Ranger promise!

“We will find out what creature took you away from us and I have no doubt that, beyond the differences that divide them, homins will once again come together for this.”

(Dorothée bows to Orphies' remains) :

“This is the greatest tribute we can pay to you.”

Funeral ceremony of Orphie Dradius, Fallenor 7, 1st AC 2613


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