
Ryzom Forge Public Meetings agendas & reports

Ryzom Forge meeting report – March 15th, 2021

1 - Information about the new launcher

Ulukyn (RT) – 20:34 UTC
The new launcher/installer having already been presented during the previous Ryzom Forge meetings, I won't dwell on it and I just want to give you here a small state of play and progress about it.
• As far as Windows is concerned, several big annoying bugs have been fixed, but a major one remains. After its correction (and if no other big bug is discovered by then), we will be able, I think, to propose the launcher in beta test to more players.
• As far as Linux is concerned, nothing special to report. But as this OS has a lot of versions, note that the untested ones are probably numerous too.
• As far as macOS is concerned, it is the least tested OS at the moment. So we have called again for testers who use it regularly and if some here want to join the ongoing tests, they are welcome, especially if they use its older versions.
So we are quite close to a release for beta testers (to whom it is recommended to save their data before starting the test... you never know). But we can't specify today the date of this release, since, among other things, the decision to localize or not the interface in the five languages before the beta test is not yet taken.

2 - Feedback on the last patch applied

Tamarea (RT) – 20:48 UTC
What are your feedbacks (opinions and suggestions) on the new features and improvements brought by the patch applied on February 11th (see here for its features)?
For those who can't see the link above, the patch in question was about :
  • Updated textures
  • Marauders Fame
  • Improvements
  • Updates with Integrated auto-translation (DeepL)
  • The Course
  • Marauder gameplay
  • Test OP at the Nexus

Q: Does this patch make it possible to permanently disable in-game machine translation via DeepL?
 The wiki shows (here and there) the command (available since August 2019) to do this. Namely:
/a setDontTranslateLangs [acronyms of the two languages involved separated by the pipe character]
Example: /a setDontTranslateLangs fr|us disables the automatic translation into american English of sentences sent by a French client.

Q: How do I report new errors made by DeepL to the Ryzom Team?
To report translation exceptions to add to DeepL, you can use the RYZOM FORGE forum, thread Translation » DeepL translation exceptions list.

F: Couldn't we avoid that DeepL translates the names of characters appearing in a sentence?

Q: Are the updates and patches automatically downloaded or is there an address where one has to go to download them?
Updates and patches are automatically downloaded to your machine the first time you log in after they are applied to the server.

Q: Wouldn't the inability of a character who has just left the Marauders faction to join a guild or have access to teleportation be a consequence of the patch?
Probably not, but it can be reported to Support.

Q: Isn't the lack of translation (blank page when clicking on the [Translate] button) of the forum posts a consequence of the patch?
No, probably. But, then again, this can be reported to the support team, specifying the involved OS and browser.

3 - Refugee Days (Easter OOC events)

Tamarea (RT) – 21:38 UTC
The OOC events for the Refugee Days (Easter events) will take place from Friday, March 26th to Monday, April 12th.
Details will, as usual, be posted on the forum beforehand.

4 - News of the volunteer team (Ryzom Team)

Tamarea (RT) – 21:39 UTC
First of all, I would like to thank all the volunteers of the Ryzom team who, by giving their time and energy, by bringing their ideas and their dynamism, contribute daily to the life and progress of this game that we all hold dear. THANK YOU!
• As for gameplay, this year the team's goal is to finish the projects underway and implement long promised features, without neglecting the Storyline, which will bring new content. We also plan to rework Silan a bit in order to better guide new players on this tutorial island.
• As for roleplay, we will continue to offer regular events, at the rate of one per week, whether or not related to the Storyline.
• De plus, suite aux retours des testeurs, le mode de fonctionnement de l'équipe de test est en cours de révision avec la mise en place d'une organisation plus structurée et plus simple.
• Lastly, in order to facilitate the work of volunteers, the Devs are creating or updating various internal tools :
    – a tool for CSRs, including a new ticket system;
    – a tool for testers to simplify their task;
    – a tool for translators to facilitate translations and corrections of in-game text;
    – a tool for communication (broadcasts, announcements on the WebIG).
I leave the floor to those who want to react on this subject.

Q: Which projects are underway?
This is indeed a point worth developing. Given the time, I'll note it as a topic for the next Ryzom Forge meeting.

The meeting is closed at 22:00 UTC.


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