For instance for Rangers.
But from my point of view, and it is the reason I speak about "neutral" gamers, it would be fine to have some "reward" in XP when you are helping somebody (not in PvP) but in a mission (goo, kitins...), for instance, or after a dig accident, or pulling unfortunately an aggro again another gamer, etc..
When I begun on Ryzom, my guild (Hoodo) was neutral. And we imagine to help people. I was always unhappy to could not heal people around me, because for me, it's also a part of the RP. RP is not only speech, it's also behaviour...
But from my point of view, and it is the reason I speak about "neutral" gamers, it would be fine to have some "reward" in XP when you are helping somebody (not in PvP) but in a mission (goo, kitins...), for instance, or after a dig accident, or pulling unfortunately an aggro again another gamer, etc..
When I begun on Ryzom, my guild (Hoodo) was neutral. And we imagine to help people. I was always unhappy to could not heal people around me, because for me, it's also a part of the RP. RP is not only speech, it's also behaviour...
Zo'ro ArghChargé de recherche dans la guilde du Cercle du Bois d’Almati.
Ambassadeur des Rangers auprès des Matis.
Président de la N’ASA et fondateur de Hoodo.