Anti-harassment filter/Filtre anti-harcèlement

most of my /tells are 1 time, if not (meaning regular) i will have added them to friends for easy access.

what you are proposing will create many needless actions:
Removal of contacts to keep the list manageable and/or not burrow my actual friends.
Every tell will have a significant slowdown (add > wait for accept > tell > finally get to the point).

while actual anti-harassment is already only 1-2 actions, you want to create many more actions for the things not involved in that purpose.
I see the potential. Yet arguably, many interactions (at least for me) are also with people not on the friend list. Like one sees a request for rez in the region channel and then talks to the person directly, asking for invite or so. That goes also especially for new players who might ask for some assistence in universe channel or so; sometimes things are easier explained in private than spamming universe or requiring to actually teleport for more details The requirement to "add me to friend list etc" all in public channel would add more private conversations to the public channels.Is the ignore-list and addint harrassing players a solution to your problem? Also, I'm very much convinced that the CSR will be happy to hear and see any evidence of harrassment and will take actions accordingly.If harrassement really is an issue, and there needs to be the possibility to agree to personal communication from people outside my friendlist, I'd definitely like to have the possibility to turn that off and receive private messages from anyone who cares or dares to contact me.


Zeige Thema
Last visit Samstag 1 Juni 11:01:20 UTC

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