Some well done features from other games

I am not sure how it can be done, if it will not have advantages compared to regular training, "no one" will use it (and better spend DEVs time to something else like fixing bugs :)) -OR- it will have advantages and then it will be "exploited" to grind (like to train skills that are harder to train).

True is, that number of Daily missions is limited per ~day so the amount of XP would be also limited. But I still see some "not answered" questions like where will those XP go and what is the daily mission relation to that skill?

I would suggest to develop the idea more and suggest it as separate thread afterwards, once it is more complex. Maybe others can bring some ideas?


Personally, I see no reason to give more <insert_whatever>. You do not need to make things faster like faster fame changes (done, is pretty ridiculous), extra skill points gain (suggested recently while you are able to get more than you can ever use), extra xp (while most of players reach masters in short time, complain around about no "end game" and then quit), make the game to do things for you (automatic specialization, automatic fight back when afk), faster running, faster swimming, faster teleporting... Ryzom: Super Hero Action Game

Honestly, why do you play and why are you in such hurry? Maybe Ryzom should give you all masters on creation and set of macros that will do everything on its own and you can just log in and watch how it plays itself? :P

- some training techniques are pretty effective and fast (go and discover them)
- Ryzom gameplay is not directly depended on your level skill and you do not need master skill levels for many activities (go and discover them)
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