(Player Event) Atys 2020 Tournament (august 23)

I think I organized something similar years years years years years ago (or was it cookies, or both).

I actually think we tried both options even maybe not public, think we only went public with ppl are allowed their own gear.

The problem I see is that ppl work years to get what is in their minds the best gear since ryzom does not realy do best. Well it is over 5 years since I played maybe somebody figured out the best by now but I doubt it.
So why force ppl not to use what they worked so hard for to get. We are many many years past merge so I guess most guilds got guild halls with maths coming trough their ears so they can craft whatever they want.

Very old anekdote: And whatever you think is best can be very untrue in 1v1 pvp I remember over 10 years ago having finally my dream gear tougether and doing a test 1v1 against Stun where he beat the living heck out of me with just a generic looking staff and probably bq ugly armor parying or dodging (long time ago) every single of my attacks for like 3 very long minutes till i was laying face down in my perfect very shiny gear.

2V2 I never really did myself to difficult for me really even with teamspeak on. But if you want 2V2 to be fair you kind of have to forbid TS or others since the advantage of bring your own gear vs provided gear and using voice chat versus no voice chat is night and day.

< just my 2 cents, if i am online during I will come have a look but been away to long, and seems I gave away alot of my weapons last time I played so I am low on shiney swords and pikey things, let alone i forgot how to set a basic macro.

+ 100 for doing such an event pvp ones are always fun to watch and do not forget 4v4 and even more can be a real spectacle if you got 2 teams


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