If multiboxers want to have a go at anyone it really should be at fellow multiboxers who exploit and/or utilise multiboxing in a way which is against the ToC.
Most tickets about multiboxers are in relation to suspected botting. Most complaints are in relation to multiboxers exploiting the current rules in a way which is by general consensus considered unfair.
Multiboxing is very common in Ryzom but not everyone who multiboxes brings their alts to an OP battle. Some, however, do and some also bot. It is the conduct of these partiuclar multiboxers that has led to an increasing number of tickets and complaints by a significant portion of the playerbase.
Most tickets about multiboxers are in relation to suspected botting. Most complaints are in relation to multiboxers exploiting the current rules in a way which is by general consensus considered unfair.
Multiboxing is very common in Ryzom but not everyone who multiboxes brings their alts to an OP battle. Some, however, do and some also bot. It is the conduct of these partiuclar multiboxers that has led to an increasing number of tickets and complaints by a significant portion of the playerbase.