The multiboxing topic will be discussed on Monday 22nd June at the Ryzom Forge meeting.
Please dont remove this by saying its irrelevant
Just remember that your had an influx of players because of a pandemic
you should look at the facts.
the game was designed to be played in a way that everyone can target one persons target and follow a leader, we have a macro system that enables that, anyone who refutes this doesnt understand the mechanics of the game.
ingame tools are provided so that 8 individual players in a team can target the team leaders target, follow heal and nuke all in 3 keys.
you only need three buttons and a mouse to play this game if you use the ingame macro system
so the questions regarding multiple toons should be.
1. how many accounts are registered to the same email
2. how many are paid for by the same person. (credit card)
3. how many of these are still active
4. how many pandemic subs did you gain or will lose as people go back to work.
here is my personal point of view:
pre merger i ran an entire guild where everyone was taught the macro system, everyone had a role to play in PvP and PvE, we used voice communication and everone only needed three keys for outpost wars as part of any position they played in the team. We won 99.9% of our battles, the key was teamwork, voice communication and understanding the mechanics of the game.
i can say this without a doubt that anyone playing 4 characters at once is at a disadvantage when playing against a well organised opponent team unless they have team of individual players backing them up.