[Matis & Trykers & Rangers] Dread at Panting Pass (2020/05/05)

Nair @Eolinius: Congratulations on this clever idea ! However, after reading you, Nair, I wondered if we could generalize your idea and apply it to other regions of the New Earth.

I tried then to apply this technique to the set { Burning Desert, Under Springs, Witherings} and unfortunately, it fails in this case, if we keep the scales and the shape of the maps; impossible to superimpose even two of the three vortexes without leading to irremediable inconsistencies...

What can we conclude from this? difficult to say... passages through vortices can and even must often hide long distances, both on the surface of the bark and at altitude. And, to my knowledge, homins have no instruments to measure the latter ...


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