Magez! what's the difference entre RP and RPg?
The RP that you mean is Rping your created characters role through all actions, speech, background, style, their whole being. you are that character.
RPG of video games, is controlling a character that is not you, developing skills to beat the game. you only control the character.
that does not always include or exclude the whole being of 1#.
pretty sure you know what i mean, don't try semantics.
the RP this community does is different from the global videogame RPG.
For what I understood:
Bot = used of 3rd party software
Multi-box = play serverals toons at the same time
While the first one as always been forbidden the second one is tolerated till now. We are not always making the difference because many of us see alts (multi-box) as a non-automated way of botting. Those alts are useless for the game background/lore and role play. They exists just for gameplay convenience.
@Jazzy: RP = playing a role and RPg = playing a role in a game ? :D
botting is automated, theres no human doing stuff. (robot / self driving car)
multiboxing is a human controlling, and thus actually pressing keys and moving mouse, to play.