
these half measures covered in hypocrisy are splitting the community, well done.
you should outlaw specific things. like no alts at OP. these new rules are causing grief for no reason.

things that made me scratch my head:
using external software that allows the player to facilitate the management in question (botting)

redefine botting i guess. tip: read wiki on 'bots', tip2: meaning of 'no human input needed'.

So you can log in and control 4 characters at the same time. But... we will also make more controls and the video can be a proof of automated actions.

can you edit the OT and put a proper explaination of what multiboxing is and what botting is, i see alot of people screaming syncronization and feel they are clueless.
azazor for example seems to think multiboxing=botting
they also seem to think anything below 1 second response time must be robotic voodoo. (based on last nights rocket convo)
i know a lot still play on ancient pc's but come on, everything modern has ms response time.

« Playing 4 accounts at once is not "a personal army". It is not even half a team. »

C’est une remarque sérieuse ? Quatre personnages en même temps, ça reste énorme, même si ça n’égalise pas une équipe complète ! Avec ce raisonnement, on pourrait aussi bien dire « Je joue dix personnages en même temps mais ça va, ce n’est même pas la moitié d’une grosse guilde.

so someone else makes something seem bigger then it is (army), and he compares it to a smaller size (team), and then you sarcasticly make it bigger again (guild) and call him out on it?
won't attack the original person that 'Make a mountain out of a molehill', right.


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