
Why can't we all just have one character and learn to play together? Why is it necessary to create an entire family? The point of the game is now and has ALWAYS been for us to work together. It was designed so that no player is too low. We can all deliver something to the game. Baby healers provide back up heals, baby diggers can CP for high levels. Without the community, dare I say it, this becomes another MMorpg with all players out to get the best stuff! That was never the point of Ryzom. That is why, we as mostly mature adults return to it time and time again. If you all come along with a team ready made, then what is the point for us who only play one character at once? I certainly could not afford two accounts and I am not adept enough to play two characters.
This should be a mature discussion and not result in hysterics.
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Last visit Friday, 7 June 16:27:18 UTC

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