

I would like to add that in the U.S. with many different time zones that it makes it difficult to play as cooperatively as I and many people that I know wish that it could be. Sadly that is the reality. So as a way to support ourselves when we end up playing at different times as other people in guilds or playing alone that it is very useful bordering on necessary to have more than 2 characters. To 1) primarily stay alive and 2) do other things that would ordinarily not be a problem in a same time zone community setting that had many players active at the same time. There are quite a few hours in game where there are not many people online. This makes it much harder or impossible to do much of anything with just 2 characters. Just a perspective that I hope will be considered and understood as a legitimate reason for allowing more that 2 chars. I would also like to add that we are not all cheaters, we don’t all use botting software or anything like that to benefit ourselves over others (personally I don’t know anyone who would do such a thing), to use that generalization is sort of saying that if you just play Ryzom with the Ryzom client and follow the rules that were put in place years ago with a 4 char limit, that your cheating. It doesn’t make any sense. I think what it comes down to is people’s personal game play style. Not everyone has to play the same way. Isn’t Ryzom a sandbox game? Wouldn’t 2 chars constitute as multiboxing as well? Thank you for reading and I hope that you might reconsider.
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