[Matis & Trykers & Rangers] Dread at Panting Pass (2020/05/05)

Eolinius was exhausted returning home. Unable to resist his explorer's instincts, he returned from the Nexus after recent events. There he found an entrance at the bottom of an abyss leading to an underground cavern. Unfortunately, he had been trapped inside all night and only managed to get out in the early morning, having dug through the rubble like a madman, having exhausted all his supply of toasted gingerbread slices.
At home, after brushing his armor full of earth, he took a Yber feather, sat down calmly, and began to write by the light of a small pumpkin-scented candle, placed on a barrel of Byrh near his hammock.

Addressed to Nair-Ailan Mac'Kean, Governor of the Federation of Naw-Trykoth.

Report of the emissaries sent to the Matis country to serve as intermediaries between the kingdom and the tribe of the Scarlet Mercenaries.

Nair-Governor, under your directive and led by Nair-Pazzy O'Toogh, we arrived safely at Yrkanis where we were welcomed by the young prince Aniro himself. The young prince seemed to be quite self-effacing and after congratulating the participants he quickly returned to his palace, probably in fear of being attacked again by rebel plants [Eolinius smiled] and left the direction of operations to his highest nobles.

We all went into the forest to the Scarlet Mercenary camps without major incidents. Nair-Pazzy O'Toogh was beginning to parley but the cordial contact was very brief as the tribe was exterminated by angry nobles led by a mistress of arms dressed as an Amazon who was trumpeting at the top of her lungs, I quote, "kill the guards, we'll talk later".

The chief of the tribe (one of the only ones still alive) was then mistreated and interrogated by these nobles using methods unworthy of a modern and civilized nation such as that of our dear Naw-Trykoth.

It is very regrettable that at the dawn of difficult times when nations will have to ally themselves, the Matis fall back into their shortcomings and harm a rapprochement that you wanted and that by this attitude starts very badly. It goes without saying that if the Scarlet Mercenaries ask for compensation from the kingdom for the wrongs suffered, they will be able to count on our testimonies and I hope on your support Nair-Governor.

I don't know what would have happened to the tribal chieftain if the bark shaking hadn't caused a nice mess. The homini then went in all directions to look for the cause of his tremors. The reason why I took the responsibility of writing you Nair-Governor, is that in this turmoil we lost the trace of Nair-Pazzy O'Toogh. I hope that nothing happened to her and that she was able to return home with her cargo. I especially hope, given the trade that linked her to the Scarlet Mercenaries, that she has not been kidnapped by the Matis to make her talk and that she is not at this moment atrociously tortured [Eolinius insisted by pressing the word atrociously] by sadistic Amazons in the sinister jails of the kingdom.

Cis joined a few Nexus lucios where huge cavities have appeared, and that was worth a few hours to get out.

Ambassadeur Tryker
Taliar suppléant
Officier supérieur
Bai Nhori Drakani

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