Mutual Mac

Mac Copying Save Data

Yeah, I still cannot figure this out. I am using Catalina the latest OSX. and a new Macbook Pro. and client with patch 813 2020-04-10.
It seems to me the path is changed or different, but I cannot find either of these paths. I do not have a path: /Library/Application Support/Ryzom/0/Save.
I have gotten as far as either: MacintoshHD>Users>(Naema's mac)>Applications>Ryzom>Ryzom Installer, OR: (Naema's Mac)>MacintoshHD>Users>(Naema's mac)>Applications>Ryzom/Ryzom Installer.
But when i click on Ryzom installer, it starts the game, I cannot find folders under it to save or change or copy. :(
If I try to type in /library/Application Support/0/ I get two little Log files and that is all
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Last visit Sunday, 16 February 12:06:22 UTC

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