Nair Pazzy O'Toogh,
I have just received confirmation from Karin Aniro that action will be taken to assess the situation on the spot.
I have taken the necessary steps to inform the Taliari and Talalochi through izam so that a group of fighters able to support the Matis could be quickly formed.
As the Karin also strongly suggested your presence, in order to avoid any trouble with the Slash and Burn tribe, I am entrusting you with the task of organizing our troops there.
You are awaited at the gates of Yrkanis at 3h - Quarta, Germinally 4, 2nd AC 2608*.
Whatever the outcome, report back to me without delay.
Ailan Mac'Kean
Governor of the Federation of Naw-Trykoth
(*)[OOC] Tuesday, 5 May 2020 19:00:00 UTC (5 years ago) [/OOC]