Discussion around the new billing

Quoted from the wiki:
Q: Can we continue to play if we cancel our subscription?

A: Yes, until the last day of the subscription.

Is this worded wrong, or will paid players not be able to go back to F2P?

I'm glad players will be able to un-link their own account from Steam, it can be hard to wait for a GM to be available with time differences.

I see that Braintree has offices world wide. Is it known what location the payment would show? (I have issues with foreign transactions sometimes.)

I'm not sure what to think about the shorter paid times?

I would still like to see a way to pay multiple subs at one time and be able to gift play time to other homins. Who knows what the future may hold :)

I'm glad to see some things around here are getting some updates! Kudos!


Homin Reaper Karavan
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