Technischer Support

Access Violation exception (tp, exit, switch char)

The comment related to where the files are stored not the formats in which it was recorded. So not talking about *.mp3 vs *.wav vs *.shn or whatever

Originally, you would simply click playlist button and then pick the folder which you stored the music. So if you kept your music in V:\Music\[genre] or V:\Music\[artist], you could easily pick what you wanted on any given day. I also used to take files of our media server where everyone in the family's music was stored.

To have to edit *.cfg files every time you want to change genres, artists locations just makes it more cumbersome. It wasn't broke as far as I know, so why fix it .... especially when the fix makes more inconvenients to use.

So now I just open youtube on a 2nd screen or use any ole media player. When Ryzom came out, was using ShnAmp


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Last visit Samstag 1 Juni 13:49:59 UTC

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