Unable to run after update

after dling the 4-10 update, my client exits with the error "no such file or directory" after login. I've tried running the patcher in the hopes that would fix it, but it closes without any info and the problem persists.

client error data:
A fatal error occurs. The program must quit
ProcName: ryzom_client
Date: 2020/04/29 23:13:32
File: /home/nevrax/repos/ryzom-core/code/nel/include/nel/georges/load_f orm.h
Line: 211
FuncName: loadForm
Reason: loadForm(): Exception during reading the packed file and can't reconstruct them (The packed sheet version in stream is different of the code)
Dumping call stack :
0 : ./ryzom_client(_ZN6NLMISC12getCallStackERNSt7__cxx1112basic_strin gIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEEi+0x34) [0x1023274]
1 : ./ryzom_client(_ZN6NLMISC18getCallStackAndLogERNSt7__cxx1112basic _stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEEi+0x2a) [0x102339a]
2 : ./ryzom_client(_ZN6NLMISC4CLog13displayStringEPKc+0x257) [0x1092c27]
3 : ./ryzom_client(_ZN6NLMISC4CLog9displayNLEPKcz+0x140) [0x1092e70]
4 : ./ryzom_client(_ZN6NLMISC12nlFatalErrorEPKcz+0x122) [0x1023082]
5 : ./ryzom_client(_Z8loadFormI18CSheetManagerEntryEvRKSt6vectorINSt7 __cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEESaIS7_EERKS7_RSt3 mapIN6NLMISC8CSheetIdET_St4lessISG_ESaISt4pairIKSG_SH_EEEbb+0x245 3) [0xad5fd3]
6 : ./ryzom_client(_ZN13CSheetManager12loadAllSheetERN6NLMISC17IProgr essCallbackEbbbbPKSt6vectorINSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_t raitsIcESaIcEEESaIS9_EE+0x73f) [0xaced1f]
7 : ./ryzom_client(_ZN13CSheetManager4loadERN6NLMISC17IProgressCallba ckEbbb+0x18) [0xacf268]
8 : ./ryzom_client(_Z11postlogInitv+0x62f) [0xb5a49f]
9 : ./ryzom_client(main+0x7c1) [0x96d8e1]
10 : /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7fd47a796830]
11 : ./ryzom_client(_start+0x29) [0x9ce979]

Log with no filter:
2020/04/29 23:13:28 ryzom_client WRN 74e4c700 login_patch.cpp 1707 : Can't find file category for r2_jungle_pz.bnp:
2020/04/29 23:13:28 ryzom_client WRN 74e4c700 login_patch.cpp 2222 : r2_jungle_maps.bnp
2020/04/29 23:13:28 ryzom_client WRN 74e4c700 login_patch.cpp 1707 : Can't find file category for r2_jungle_maps.bnp:
2020/04/29 23:13:28 ryzom_client WRN 74e4c700 login_patch.cpp 2222 : r2_jungle2.bnp
2020/04/29 23:13:28 ryzom_client WRN 74e4c700 login_patch.cpp 1707 : Can't find file category for r2_jungle2.bnp:
2020/04/29 23:13:28 ryzom_client WRN 74e4c700 login_patch.cpp 2222 : r2_jungle.bnp
2020/04/29 23:13:28 ryzom_client WRN 74e4c700 login_patch.cpp 1707 : Can't find file category for r2_jungle.bnp:
2020/04/29 23:13:28 ryzom_client WRN 74e4c700 login_patch.cpp 2222 : r2_lakes_pz.bnp
2020/04/29 23:13:28 ryzom_client WRN 74e4c700 login_patch.cpp 1707 : Can't find file category for r2_lakes_pz.bnp:
2020/04/29 23:13:28 ryzom_client WRN 74e4c700 login_patch.cpp 2222 : r2_lakes_maps.bnp
2020/04/29 23:13:28 ryzom_client WRN 74e4c700 login_patch.cpp 1707 : Can't find file category for r2_lakes_maps.bnp:
2020/04/29 23:13:28 ryzom_client WRN 74e4c700 login_patch.cpp 2222 : r2_lakes2.bnp
2020/04/29 23:13:28 ryzom_client WRN 74e4c700 login_patch.cpp 1707 : Can't find file category for r2_lakes2.bnp:
2020/04/29 23:13:28 ryzom_client WRN 74e4c700 login_patch.cpp 2222 : r2_lakes.bnp
2020/04/29 23:13:28 ryzom_client WRN 74e4c700 login_patch.cpp 1707 : Can't find file category for r2_lakes.bnp:
2020/04/29 23:13:28 ryzom_client WRN 74e4c700 login_patch.cpp 2222 : r2_roots_pz.bnp
2020/04/29 23:13:28 ryzom_client WRN 74e4c700 login_patch.cpp 1707 : Can't find file category for r2_roots_pz.bnp:
2020/04/29 23:13:28 ryzom_client WRN 74e4c700 login_patch.cpp 2222 : r2_roots_maps.bnp
2020/04/29 23:13:28 ryzom_client WRN 74e4c700 login_patch.cpp 1707 : Can't find file category for r2_roots_maps.bnp:
2020/04/29 23:13:28 ryzom_client WRN 74e4c700 login_patch.cpp 2222 : r2_roots2.bnp
2020/04/29 23:13:28 ryzom_client WRN 74e4c700 login_patch.cpp 1707 : Can't find file category for r2_roots2.bnp:
2020/04/29 23:13:28 ryzom_client WRN 74e4c700 login_patch.cpp 2222 : r2_roots.bnp
2020/04/29 23:13:28 ryzom_client WRN 74e4c700 login_patch.cpp 1707 : Can't find file category for r2_roots.bnp:
2020/04/29 23:13:28 ryzom_client WRN 74e4c700 login_patch.cpp 2222 : r2_misc.bnp
2020/04/29 23:13:28 ryzom_client WRN 74e4c700 login_patch.cpp 1707 : Can't find file category for r2_misc.bnp:
2020/04/29 23:13:28 ryzom_client WRN 74e4c700 login_patch.cpp 2222 : examples.bnp
2020/04/29 23:13:28 ryzom_client WRN 74e4c700 login_patch.cpp 1707 : Can't find file category for examples.bnp:
2020/04/29 23:13:28 ryzom_client WRN 74e4c700 login_patch.cpp 2222 : user.bnp
2020/04/29 23:13:28 ryzom_client WRN 74e4c700 login_patch.cpp 1707 : Can't find file category for user.bnp:
2020/04/29 23:13:28 ryzom_client WRN 74e4c700 login_patch.cpp 2222 : exedll_win64_.ref
2020/04/29 23:13:28 ryzom_client WRN 74e4c700 login_patch.cpp 2222 : exedll_win32_.ref
2020/04/29 23:13:28 ryzom_client WRN 74e4c700 login_patch.cpp 2222 : exedll_linux64.bnp
2020/04/29 23:13:28 ryzom_client WRN 74e4c700 login_patch.cpp 2222 : exedll_linux64_.ref
2020/04/29 23:13:28 ryzom_client WRN 74e4c700 login_patch.cpp 2222 : exedll_linux32_.ref
2020/04/29 23:13:28 ryzom_client WRN 74e4c700 login_patch.cpp 2222 : exedll_osx_.ref
2020/04/29 23:13:30 ryzom_client INF 7ba42780 client.cpp 366 : Login of Ryzom success
2020/04/29 23:13:30 ryzom_client INF 7ba42780 client.cpp 369 : Post-Login Init of Ryzom...
2020/04/29 23:13:30 ryzom_client WRN 7ba42780 ligo_config.cpp 547 : Can't open the file for reading.
2020/04/29 23:13:30 ryzom_client WRN 7ba42780 init.cpp 1544 : Can't load primitive class file
2020/04/29 23:13:30 ryzom_client INF 7ba42780 sound_driver.cpp 114 : Creating statically linked sound driver AUTO
2020/04/29 23:13:30 ryzom_client INF 7ba42780 load_form.h 878 : loadForm(): Loading packed file 'sounds.packed_sheets'
2020/04/29 23:13:30 ryzom_client INF 7ba42780 load_form.h 950 : Don't update the packed sheet with real sheet
2020/04/29 23:13:30 ryzom_client INF 7ba42780 audio_mixer_user.cpp 593 : AM: Initialized audio mixer with 32 voices, WITHOUT EAX and with 16 bits PCM sample source.
2020/04/29 23:13:31 ryzom_client INF 7ba42780 load_form.h 878 : loadForm(): Loading packed file 'user_var_binding.packed_sheets'
2020/04/29 23:13:31 ryzom_client INF 7ba42780 load_form.h 950 : Don't update the packed sheet with real sheet
2020/04/29 23:13:31 ryzom_client INF 7ba42780 load_form.h 878 : loadForm(): Loading packed file 'sound_groups.packed_sheets'
2020/04/29 23:13:31 ryzom_client INF 7ba42780 load_form.h 950 : Don't update the packed sheet with real sheet
2020/04/29 23:13:31 ryzom_client INF 7ba42780 clustered_sound.cpp 220 : CClusteredSound::update : no scene specified !
2020/04/29 23:13:32 ryzom_client INF 7ba42780 path.cpp 1748 : PATH: Number of file: 120827, extension: 66, path: 226
2020/04/29 23:13:32 ryzom_client INF 7ba42780 common.cpp 918 : Exception will be launched: The packed sheet version in stream is different of the code
2020/04/29 23:13:32 ryzom_client ERR 7ba42780 load_form.h 211 : loadForm(): Exception during reading the packed file and can't reconstruct them (The packed sheet version in stream is different of the code)
User Crash Callback:
UserId: 4294967295
HomeId: 0
ShardId: 0
On a Mainland Shard
Application: ryzom_live
No user entity information
ViewPosition: 0.00 0.00 0.00
Time in game: 3h 23min 0sec
LocalTime: 2020/04/29 23:13:32
ServerTick: 0
ConnectState: NotInitialised
LocalAddress: :0 (::)
Language: English
ClientVersion: FV (2020-04-10 00:32:06)
PatchVersion: 813
Client is online
NumServerHOP: 0
NumFarTP: 0
NumReselectPerso: 0
Connection Events:
Source size: 32
Effects size: 0
Show topic
Last visit Friday, 18 October 06:57:55 UTC

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