Support Technique

Access Violation exception (tp, exit, switch char)

...but since K brought it up, has been fixed or is it planned to be where music can be where player stored their music and not in Ryzom folder ... I have 6 Ryzom installs.

Not sure what you mean. However
  • The player supports some playlist formats (.m3u and .m3u8 it says) so you can use only a playlist that contains paths to music located on other place(s)
  • You can specify (relative) path to music directory in your client.cfg file, use MediaPlayerDirectory="path";, for example (linux) "../1/music" for client "0" makes it read from client "1" directory
  • If your filesystem supports symbolic links, make each music directory to be only link to place where your music is stored
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Last visit vendredi 14 Juin 12:46:44 UTC

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