
Ryzom Forge Public Meetings agendas & reports

Ryzom Forge meeting report - March 30, 2020

1. Storyline: Rumors feedback
2. Next patch
3. Recruitment of volunteers

1. Storyline: Rumors feedback

Tykus, 19:52 UTC
What do you think of the rumors? If you meet bugs, send us a ticket with the NPC name, it will allow us to be more reactive.
Craftjenn, 19:55 UTC
First of all, I would like to say that I posted a message about this in the forum. Then, for some people, who suffer like me, all these clicks are tiring.
Tykus, 19:58 UTC
Yes, I understand, but in a video game, we can hardly do otherwise. Besides, you can do it in pieces, in small steps.
It's a long time event :).

Q: What are the "rumors"? The "Ask politely" bubbles?
A: Yes!

Laoviel, 20:01 UTC
I wanted to second Craftjenn's statement, that the interface is a bit difficult. Since the dialogue is only read by the player, with no options. Why not simplify the text? You could place the player's question to the NPC, the NPC answer and the player reaction in one single chat bubble, that only requires one click.
Tykus, 20:06 UTC
No, that's the point, the NPC will give you an answer, before knowing what it is (normally the NPCs always give the same answers). But the process requires the 2 steps, if you are given the answer at the same time as the question, it doesn't make sense :)
Djiper, 20:09 UTC
I want only to say that the second set of rumors (about kitins) is much more interesting…
And thank Ulukyn for his availability on the remaining bugs.
Tykus, 20:12 UTC
I will send your remark to Ulukyn :)
Balthae, 20:14 UTC
I may be the only one, but since I don't understand everything, I just click and see if the yellow passphrase appears (this to answer the question about the boring show).
Tykus, 20:15 UTC
No, I don't think you're the only one, but beware, rumours contain information for the future. :)

2 - Next patch

Tykus, 20:19 UTC
Added: A window can snap on to other windows.
Changed: MP3 player shows absolute path, media format info on sysinfo.
Fixed: MP3 player shows error when sound is disabled.
Added: New /showHideUserLandMark command to hide markers on map.
Fixed: The client window is no more focused and mouse is no more frozen when loading or teleporting.

Changes in Daily Missions
Added: Basic tokens as an option for a reward.
Changed: Increase of 20% the rewards for Missions based in Occupations Products.
Changed: Reduction of wanted items for Occupations Products with a grade higher or equal to 2.

Added: RP tags for Fyros, Matis, Tryker, Zorai, Kami, Karavan, Marauder and Ranger.
To get these tags you must equipe a jewel on the earring and use Elyps on nation or faction merchant to grave the Allegorie on it.
Equip or unequip the jewel to display or hide the RP tag.
These tags are displayed only when you are PVP tagged.
You can show or hide the tag when you want, if you are PVP tagged and hide the tags, the current PVP icon (two crossed words) will be displayed.
To understand better how Allegories works and comes, you can talk with Zin Di-Dao in the Kitins' Lair of Almati Wood and start a chained rumors.
Tryroamer, 20:21 UTC
I hoped to obtain a link here about reviewing one's own already heard rumours.
Tykus, 20:24 UTC
Ulukyn has something like that planned, but I don't know exactly what…
Djiper, 20:25 UTC
The said link for rumors works, but only within a guild.
It allows everyone to know how many rumors the guild has collected, and, in addition, by selecting a player you can see the rumors they have collected.
Craftjenn, 20:32 UTC
"A window can snap on to other windows."? And "The client window is no more focused and mouse is no more frozen when loading or teleporting."? Could you be more specific, please?
Tykus, 20:35 UTC
So, for the mouse, it's especially for those who are in multiscreens, when you launch a ryzom client and you are doing something else, the mouse will be immediately taken by the open interface and you will type out of your window.
Moniq you tested "A window can snap to other windows", can you tell us about it?
Moniq, 20:38 UTC
I hear about that for the first time or I don't understand what you mean.
Tykus, 20;41 UTC
Ok, i will share information (i will test it probably) when I get some. OK ?
No one have questions about the tags ?
Jiyan, 20:43 UTC
its not been translated to english. if you enlighten us first, please :)
Tykus, 20:45 UTC
Added: RP tags for Fyros, Matis, Tryker, Zorai, Kami, Karavan, Marauder and Ranger
To get these tags you must equipe a jewel on the earring and use Elyps on nation or faction merchant to grave the Allegorie on it
Equip or unequip the jewel to display or hide the RP tag
These tags are displayed only when you are "PVP" tagged.
You can show or hide the tag when you want, if you are PVP tagged and hide the tags, the current PVP icon (with 2 crossed words) will be displayed.
Better like this ?
Tryroamer, 20:48 UTC
The PVP tags have many times hindered my healing during bosshunts, is there no way to remind PVP and any other player characters to deactivate PVP tag for those events? Or to automatically deactivate PVP status upon entering into such events?
Tykus, 20:51 UTC
No, it's a player stuff. You all have to think about it, we cannot automatize all stuff, Ryzom would loose his soul :)

Q: Does this new tag use same mechanic like PVP tag or Outpost tag?
A: These RP tags are only displayed when you have activated your PVP tag for roleplay logic reasons. Indeed, your roleplayed character is considered to be flesh and blood, and therefore can't be invulnerable to the attacks of other homins. This does not go against the "pacifist" RP but just reflects the physical vulnerability of your character.
When you display the RP tag (nation, faction, organization or other), it will simply replace the usual "classical" PvP tag (the one displaying two crossed swords). It will therefore be easy to distinguish between OOC players seeking PVP combat and RP players accepting the physical vulnerability of their character.

Tryroamer, 20:58 UTC
All that is surely correct as such, but when i try to heal anyone still active in PVP mode then I cannot. Instead I merely hang in the air and no healing takes place.
Tykus, 21:01 UTC
That's the PVP rule. If you are PVP tagged, you take the risk of dying, players who are not tagged cannot resurrect you, heal you, and so on. It's a player's choice and we're only offering more possibilities to players with this new tag.
Balthae, 21:01 UTC
As I understand it, a tag is added to say, "I'm not looking for PVP, but I don't want to be attacked"?
Tykus, 21:04 UTC
No... We're gonna add more variations, namely one can tag nation and or faction. Not all tags will be PVP but as long as you choose an allegiance, if you activate a tag, you'll be vulnerable :)

Q: Could you be more specific, please?
A: The RP tag should be seen as a "I am roleplaying and therefore accept that my character is physically vulnerable" mode.
This is to avoid, for example, finding yourself roleplaying in the middle of your enemies, but without them being able to attack you. Which would be, in the end, anything but logical from a RP point of view.
Player-characters without any allegiance will be marked PVP, as today, by the classic tag. But it will now exist a tag (which can also be activated at the player's request) for each rite of allegiance passed, a tag which, as soon as his character wears it, will place him in PVP mode, i.e. will make him vulnerable to attacks from any other homin in PVP mode (tagged by classic tag or RP tag) and insensitive to the actions of any homin non PVP marked. The RP tag is therefore, in fact , a customized PVP tag which, since it displays allegiances instead of the classic tag, allows homins in PVP mode to attack (or not) other homins in PVP mode with full knowledge of the facts and not blindly.
If, for example, you take the Tryker and Kamis allegiance, you will be able to activate the Tryker tag or the Kamis tag, or both. Then, since these tags display your allegiances, you will be vulnerable to attacks from any player tagged by the classic PVP tag but also from any player wearing a Karavan RP tag. And you can also attack RP-tagged players whose tag shows their allegiance to Karavan... and spare (except for treason in progress :) ) those wearing an RP tag identifying them as Kamists.
A Ranger roplaying a pacifist will be able to continue to do so. This new RP mode will only make him, logically, vulnerable to attacks from others. This won't mean that he will suddenly become belligerent (no tagged PVP character is compelled to attack) but will just show that he is... homin.

Q: I am normally just healer, for all comers… That's no longer possible then?
A: Yes, but if you to heal your marked PVP teammates, you too will need to activate a PVP tag, whether classic or RP :)

Q: I didn't quite get it… If we tag ourselves PVP "OOC" we will be able to attack any other player PVP or RP tagged?
A: Yes. The PVP tags will only be customized into RP tags, so that players can show their allegiance(s). But the system doesn't change: if you don't activate no tag, no risk for you. :)

3 - Recruitment of volunteers

Tykus, 21:23 UTC
We are looking for volunteers to join :
  • Translation Team: ES and RU translators/proofreaders;
  • Computer-Graphics Team: graphic designers (3D / 2D);
  • Support Team: EN and FR CSRs;
  • Dev/Ark Team: developers, as well as volunteers who will be trained on the Ark creation tool;
  • Level Design Team;
  • Event Animation Team: to design/write and/or animate events.
I take upon my time to get up early and chat with the players of the US timezone, but it is essential to find volunteers to enliven their time slot. I can do once a month the same Ryzom Forge meeting as for the EU zone, but not more. So it's important that we have volunteers living in America, first in the Support Team but, why not, for events too (I know… I am dreaming :P ).
So, if you're interested, please send a mail to Tamarea or contact her on rocket chat
But there are needs for EU timezone too :)

Q: What is a CSR?
A: A Customer Service Representative, member of the Support Team.
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