
Ryzom Forge Public Meetings agendas & reports

...And, yes, I still say, if you don't attend the meeting most of the time you won't miss anything...

Not true. The report will only show you what has happened. Your possible contribution and the atmosphere will be missing. Ok you can read full log on RC to see how vital the conversation has been, but still, you miss your opportunity to ask with every meeting. We (not just Ryzom teams) loosing opportunity to meet players directly. And in situation when you are constantly unable to participate...

I would be nice to have at least one meeting per month in different time and probably another day, however weekend days are probably even worse. The problem is that there is no one who can lead such meeting.

And if *you* will not join, then it will never be.
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Last visit Sunday, 8 September 01:16:46 UTC

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