More Storage

Ok, I see two different usages here:
  • Permanent, long-term storage for items that you're only going to use seldom. Hoarding supremes to make a boosted maga amp, for example.
  • Temporary storage for convenience. For example, accumulating some thousands of excellent materials to make a few boosted armillo sets, or just for the convenience of not having to stop and craft.
Now, for the long-term storage needs, I believe apartments and guild halls are quite fine as they are. I don't see a lot of folks chafing under this limitation, except for a few players that dig and dig and dig and end up with thousands of supremes and excellents.

The problem is compounded because people do keep a lot of less-than-needed materials around. Killed some choice named? Chuck its parts in the guild hall, regardless of how useful the materials are. Dig 500 excellent zun? Chuck it there, you never know when you're going to need to make 20 amps at once.

So, for the folks that require a lot more storage, I propose space rental (and I know it's nothing new).One would pay a small price, say 7500 dappers per day per extra 1k bulk (in apartement) / 5k bulk (in guild hall). The dappers could be subtracted directly from the player or from the guild funds. Per year it's something akin to 2 million dappers, which isn't a lot.

Should you go into arrears, you get a 7-day grace period to pay back the money owed. Fail to do that, and the stuff in storage goes to the merchants to be auctioned off; first with 9000% markup, going down each day for another 7 days until it reaches 0% markup. This would ensure that the feature only works for somewhat active players, and it would indirectly help the crafters by sometimes throwing materials (and/or equipment) on the market.

But unconditionally adding more storage? No. People with hoarding tendencies would just keep on hoarding, and 1 year later we would get the same kind of complaint about "insufficient space".


My home is always sweet Yrkanis..
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