
Live and Let Dig.

Hello Beeficus,

I would have preferred to discuss this with you rather than with all Atys, but I have nothing to hide or to be ashamed of, so let's do it this way.

I realized the hard hit it was for you when it was already too late - and you didn't give me the opportunity to discuss this after. I've not been on SNS for months, and I think we've never done them together, so I did not realize we had very different expectations about them. As far as I can recall, SNS have always been about fighting for me. Against Kamis when I was part of Karavan, against Maras after that, and more recently when we were part of the KaLaMar, against Kamis again - sorry Alexarwe, we blew you up more than a few time, but it didn't keep us from having a nice tell and sharing a few tips. Sometimes there was no one around and we dug a lot, sometimes we managed to kill our enemies, sometimes we got wrecked, that's life on Atys for me.

At some point we were even fighting against our KaLaMar allies on SNS; we hardly had the numbers to make it against Shadowalkers but it was always good moments, even if we didn't dig much we still managed to give them a hard time with low numbers and a pair of launchers. It really was not about mats - we would sometimes end up sharing themĀ  - but about having some fun fighting together. For me SNS is a nice fight like an opwar can be; when it's balanced it's very intense, when it's not it can be boring if you win and very challenging when you loose. That's for these moments that I play Ryzom.

So yes, Larmes left KaLaMar, and in my mind it was a logical move to bring back some PvP on SNS. We talked about opwar when I announced it to you, about bosshunts, but we forgot SNS. I'm sorry you took it personally, my intention was not to hurt you.

I won't comment about the Rangers we are - we have choosen our path, it's the same one my guild has been following since the very beginning and it won't change anytime soon. Whether people like it or not, that's what we are.

I hope we can talk about it together sometime soon, I would be very sad to loose your friendship.
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