
Live and Let Dig.

First off, I would like to dispel the notion that Rangers are anti-PvP. There are some well-known Rangers who have made the personal choice to not bear arms against homins, and I know of one such person who is a zealot who feels that their personal decisions to refrain from PvP and using TPs should be blanket restrictions that should make mandatory for all, but the simple truth is that Rangers are as diverse in opinion as other factions, much to the chagrin of the tyrannical gatekeepers amongst our ranks.

It's also worth noting that many who engage in PvP do, in fact, consider PvP "a friendly game". To some, it's part of Ryzom, and Ryzom is a friendly game. Whether you agree or not is immaterial; that is how they legitimately feel. I don't like it myself, but there are plenty of things I don't like that I accept anyways because I know that the universe does not revolve around me.

Now that that's off my chest....

Personally, I rarely go to PR unless I'm equipped to fight at a moments notice. And I know that not all fights will be against leezards and kittens; that orange banner that shows up whenever I enter PR says so. That is especially true during times when I know that those who are hungry enough for resources to fight over them may be around. Hope for the best, but prepare for the worst.

I'm not much for PvP, and I don't go seeking fights, but I have shown up for many Sup-digs as nothing other than a bodyguard who will engage any threat to my allies, regardless of whether or not the threats are fellow homins. If I happen to be on at season change, I would be willing to help those I consider friends (like the Beef Herd) dig in safety.


Do not assume that you speak for all just because you are the loudest voice; there are many who disagree that simply have no desire to waste words on you.

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Last visit Friday, 28 June 09:33:21 UTC

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