As a new player (Dec 28th I posted so Djinn probably a few days old at that time), when I moved to FH, after scouting around visiting all the NPC's and working out how to use the Missions sorting by double clicking on Mission tab title, generaly getting to grip with everything that was new after Silan, I went about checking the DM's.
Out of season harvested items has been a bit of a pain considering they are daily's,(will take time to see and learn the seasonal cycle that pop's them, but mainly been an issue with my "Kishookapala" in Zora) but most frustrating is that on Djinn's tab now are mostly Matis quests, maybe a Fyros and a Zorai. For a new player with no access untill Trekked, it's quite frustrating.
Most people wont have time to plan and engage in a Trek that can take several hours, so including some planning could take days for some, so not realy daily friendly.
I have quite a bit of time so have been exploring the surrounding outer regions of AA, so having fun and DM's are not so mush a priority for me due to above, I am finding other things to occupy me, but my guess is that many new players on f2p (I am subbed and am taking my sweet time, so those frustrations for me are quite small but mentionable)may well get through Silan, and think, nah! not for me, and consequently be put off from subbing at all, or just pack up and leave anyhow.
(the attrition rate is probably high anyhow for people trying it on steam and maybe not used to anything like Ryzom, but these things can only make that worse imo).
I would prefer if there was also a seperate tick box for regional Daylies. I have tried filtering differently, but to no avail yet, will try more when the DM page resets.
But thought I would post my humble observation.
PS. Kishoo has marked all seasonal harvestables he has found so far and will be visiting them each season and taking notes, so no great chore, as I enjoy such activity, but as mentioned above, some may not be inclined to do such and end up abandoning quite a few gathering DM's as a result and get frustrated in what is left to do that does not involve days of faffing about to do what is supposed to be a Daily!
Regards Djinn
Out of season harvested items has been a bit of a pain considering they are daily's,(will take time to see and learn the seasonal cycle that pop's them, but mainly been an issue with my "Kishookapala" in Zora) but most frustrating is that on Djinn's tab now are mostly Matis quests, maybe a Fyros and a Zorai. For a new player with no access untill Trekked, it's quite frustrating.
Most people wont have time to plan and engage in a Trek that can take several hours, so including some planning could take days for some, so not realy daily friendly.
I have quite a bit of time so have been exploring the surrounding outer regions of AA, so having fun and DM's are not so mush a priority for me due to above, I am finding other things to occupy me, but my guess is that many new players on f2p (I am subbed and am taking my sweet time, so those frustrations for me are quite small but mentionable)may well get through Silan, and think, nah! not for me, and consequently be put off from subbing at all, or just pack up and leave anyhow.
(the attrition rate is probably high anyhow for people trying it on steam and maybe not used to anything like Ryzom, but these things can only make that worse imo).
I would prefer if there was also a seperate tick box for regional Daylies. I have tried filtering differently, but to no avail yet, will try more when the DM page resets.
But thought I would post my humble observation.
PS. Kishoo has marked all seasonal harvestables he has found so far and will be visiting them each season and taking notes, so no great chore, as I enjoy such activity, but as mentioned above, some may not be inclined to do such and end up abandoning quite a few gathering DM's as a result and get frustrated in what is left to do that does not involve days of faffing about to do what is supposed to be a Daily!
Regards Djinn
The Journey Is Everything