
Patch Daily missions (2019-12-02)

1.   Since the start, I'd say I have found 6 or 7 in Loria that I couldn't to.  I got a response to my ticket saying "they are there" ... look harder :).

-Are they there seasonally ?
-Are they there only when moss and it's part of the minions ?
-Are they there as part of a spawn, so that you wom't see it unlees rest of spawn is kiled and spawn reporps

But today I had:

- Kill a  Voracious Arma
- Kill a  Voracious Wombai

I couldn't find either of them after a pair of N=>S / S=>N traverses.  Now I have seen the Wombai ... I believe however that it only appears when the Boss pops at south end.... or parhaps seasonally

So call it 8 ... and over that time I have done @ 248 missions  At a 3% broken rate, I can deal w/ that.  Hopefully over time, these will get fixed.

2.  it's more sweeming than running for WC .... for MC I use my mount.

3.  I can deal w/ 3% ...  These are obviously new:


... but as long as the dev team makes progress over time, I won't be disappointed.

4.  As above.

5.  It was my biggest peeve ... and DMs erases it.  As this is the case, I don't understand "Where's the beef" as the saying goes.

6.  It would seem we are in violent agreement on this one.

7.  I'm not seeing the connection between population and freedom of choice.  I don't see anyone leaving over having more choices ... I don't see it necessarily bringing anyone back either ... but I am enjoying no longer being second class citizen.

8.  Who needs dappers or fame really is not in any way relevant to the point I was making.    What I am trying to make clear is... for example immediately post merge:

a)  We all needed fame
b)  We all needed dappers
c)  We all needed rewards

To get all of those, we did what we did pre-merge.  Post NH however, the path for new players using NH was easier by orders of magnitude.   And, again, it's not the difficulty or effort that was the issue ... it's that it is out of balance.  You didn't like that rewards were 4 times as great for one play style as oppossed to another.  That is the beef here also, one method of getting to hwere touy wanted to go was 4 times easier than all the others.

If an Atys Citizen has to put in 4 times the T & E to get the same reward as a Nation Citizen id bad, then why is it not bad that one who takes an alternative path to fame / dapper  / points has to put in 4 times the T & E ?

Now once we obtained our fame, didn't need to pursue it any more ... once we bought our packers, apartmenmts, GHs and NPC plan restorations, we didnt need dapper anymore.  At that point, most mainly just did it for the crystals  ... and to  a lessr extent ... wundahmat, picks etc.  So it's not a matter of who needs what and when ... it's  a matter that when there is a need, you could spend 3 days getiing it thru NH or spend 12 days hours getting it by alternative options.  It efefctively renders all that "other content" extraneous.  HWat is more "interesting" ?

a)  Do the same 2 Occs in 2 regions and repeat the same actions without advancing just doing the basic level repeatedly over and over again
b)  Stand in front of an NPC and "travel" to where you are standing 4-5 times.


a)   Be exposed to ~ 40 regions, 50+ tribes, see different vistas, learn new travel routes,
b)  Get rewarded for advancing to 6th level and 8 occupations
c)  Enjoy the variety of 11,000 missions ... yes many are similr but has every haburger you have eaten tasted the same ?

9. The game doesn't require that you do them so why "shove them" and deny anyone else the opportunity to choose this option.   With a little bit of forthought, I fail to see an issue with the 3 limit thing.  id like it better oif the result was 20 mats instead of 18.

Over 2 days, I can earn 144 occ produce w/  imptovedf mats  ... Over 2 days, I can turn in only 80 matsI turned in ... Net gain +64 mats.

Ok so lets say you don't improve the mats.   It' just a matter of setting up a "system".  Now with the vagaries of chance you want to have a reserve in case you get the same occ cupla days in a row.  Let's say 500+ mats. 

Starting on the 10th day, once I have the reserve of 540 mats, over the next 8 days will collect 432 mats (3 Occs x 8 days x 18 mats) ... and spend 400 over 5 of those days (4 Occs x 20 mats x 5 days).    Over an 8 day period

3 Days:   0 Occs + 7 Missions
5 Days:  4 0ccs + 3 Missions

Now that's if you wanted to do so as to concentrate and maximize results.   I think Im more inclined to alternate days:

Odd Numbered Days:   0 Occs + 7 Missions
Even Numbered Days:  4 0ccs + 3 Missions

10.  I would like to see one change.  Allow up to 3 occupations until you have mastered 3 occupations ... After that, any occupation you "master' stays on the board.


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