From Involvement to Elyps

Looking into this:

[Old currency] 1 Sup Q500 sap crystal costs 11 Faction Points, whereas:
[New Currency] 100 Sup Q500 sap crystals costs 12 Elips, providing you complete "a lengthy task".

This means that there's no direct comparison between old and new but, on the face of things, Elips look to be more lucrative than the old Faction Points system.

When taking into consideration, Elips are harder to earn than the old faction points (you earn 17 Elips for each daily mission you complete which can be anything from Crafting/Foraging/Hunting or Package Delivery) means that 1 mission will earn you 100 Sup Q500 sap crystals / per mission completed vs 1100 [Old] faction points, it still seems more lucrative.

The downside to this is, what does "a lengthy task mean"? There is no mission description, or text anywhere to tell a player what the mission entails. Even right clicking on the mission opens a blank window which offers no explanation.

Again, taking aside Sap crystals, you can also use Elips to buy experience catalysers and generic materials (same as the old faction points system) but, in my mind, the question begs: What decision was made to remove the faction picks because they can't be bought with Elips? To those master diggers, who are looking for every bit of focus, the boost gained from using a faction pick is helpful, or at least it used to be. What happens once players have adopted the new Elips system and have run out of faction points? No more Faction Picks, or do they have to complete old missions alongside new missions to earn both rewards?? etc etc

In summary, whilst it seems that the new Elips system is more rewarding it, in truth, further devalues the Atys economy by making the old system redundant (there are still plenty of people with lots of Faction points stored up from completing daily occupations).

Overall, would be nice to see the new system finished, instead of left in it's seemingly half-finished state.


Everone has an opinion, and of course are entitled to have one, but others are equally entitled to decide whether they choose to agree or disagree. Acting like a complete Muppet isn't likely going to change minds or win support :)
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Last visit Friday, 7 June 23:07:50 UTC

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