
Patch Daily missions (2019-12-02)

That's why programming a TV remote or back in the day '"setting the clock on the VCR" became a standard part of a comedian's repertoire.   Ya know when those dummies book sstarted coming out.  I found it hysterical the the guy who started wring them  ... like "MS Word For Dummies" actually wrote them using another word processing program (Lotus Word Pro) because he found MS Word was counter-intuitive".   A "user manual" prepared by an expert  ... is great, if you're an expert.

It's like the ole Noah's Ark skit ....

Voice from Sky:  "Noah I want you to build an Ark "

Noah:  [i]"OK ... what's an ark ?"

Voice from Sky:  [i]"Get some wood, build it 300 cubits x 80 cubits by 40 cubits "

Noah:  "OK ... what's a cubit ?"

That's how every software / instruction manual I have ever read appears to me.

I'm sure feedback from the community would be helpful in making the process more understandable.    For example:

1. To set your "Daily Mission Preferences" click the Scroll Icon on the App Bar.

Can click then "Form to Change Preferences of Missions"

2. From that point pick your missions ... my preferences were delivery / travel and each day getting offered 7 missions ... so far from 1 - 3 missions in each above ground region.


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Last visit Sunday, 16 February 12:20:19 UTC

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