
New Player review/perspective.

I still think having speed eggs drop all the time from select mobs, maybe semi rare drops....and not just holidays, would go a long ways towards the grindy running for hours aspect.
Yeah, that's why I spend so much time around Atysmas doing little else except hunting Speed Eggs. If Speed Eggs were a bit more accessible then I would be able to enjoy my holidays a bit more!

I have always questioned the long cooldown on Speed though. Sure, at higher levels it's a bit shorter, but there's no reason for it to ever have gone over 10 minutes. That sort of cooldown may be good for Invulnerabiltiy and the three Protection Auras, but Speed is one that really should have it's cooldown time adjusted.


Do not assume that you speak for all just because you are the loudest voice; there are many who disagree that simply have no desire to waste words on you.

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