
New Player review/perspective.

Out of combat run speed - My first thought is that going in and out of that speed would cause enough motion sickness to make some folks quit for medical reasons. My second thought is that Super Speed (200% movement for a few seconds) is a power, and I still have a few hundred Speed Eggs collected from events that allow me to use that double movement even when my action is on cooldown. And my third is that I rarely run for long distances except when I am scouting and thus less interested in a destination than in who I find along the way.
-- Motion sickness? from a Sprint? That's absurd and suggests you would have the super speed ability removed as well.-- Super Speed is an ability... you can't expect new players to have completed X,Y,Z events.-- as for your personal experience, it seems irrelevant. you have found an area that you can settle into, your most-likely established with a litany of port scrolls.how it works: Player toggles it on, if they are aggro'd it toggles off. they complete fight or wahtever and have to toggle it back on themselves, it doesn't turn on automatically.
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Last visit Saturday, 28 September 19:02:42 UTC

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