
New Player review/perspective.

Much better thoughts in replies :-)

Moniq - Yea I know you can take things out but not put back. Might make a note of that in the chart? As is it implies full use.

Gidget - Very well thought out reply. I tend to agree with most of it and I also understand the RP aspect of existing players.

Craftjen - What can I say, you bring a great perspective to the ideas put forth. I most certainly do not want Ryzom to be like other games. But I think some give to make it less grindy would be helpful.

In general, I think better tutorials would be a great answer. Who RTFM out of game anymore anyway? If it isn't an ingame instruction manual requiring interaction, many won't bother or know to look for many of the unique things with Ryzom. It would be a serious development challenge to make an ingame tutorial going step by step for UI instructions tho.

Two major thoughts as far as run speed issues and TP issues. I think a Newhorizons training would be needed in game for new players. Add 2 or 3 newhorizons NPC on Silan and make a mission chain for them. Have them limited to only Silan travel like to the town and by the Kami/Kara TP. Secondly, have run speed eggs drop all the time, but limited. Not just on holidays. That way no game mechanic mods need to be made. Also reduce cool down times of reuse of them and the "powers". Maybe allow for edits of the cost in the powers. Like if you want a faster reuse, it takes half your health or more to cast. This way, it kinda covers the idea of "out of combat run speed". Can't really be abused to leave combat by repeatedly clicking it as each click gets you closer to death anyway.


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